Have a more Personal Image
MetroMail allows you to have an email address using your domain name. Stand out from the Gmail and Yahoo crowd by giving yourself a unique, memorable email address. For example, John@JohnDoe.com.
Protect your personal information
MetroMail protects your credit card information, social security number, address, and other private information from falling into the wrong hands. Our advanced filter protects your identity from hackers, potentially saving you thousands of dollars.
No invasion of privacy
Free email providers like Gmail and Yahoo scan every word of every email that you send and receive, then they sell that information to advertisers. Have peace of mind knowing that your emails stay yours, and yours alone.
Avoid spam, phishing, and spoofing
Free email accounts are targeted daily by hackers who try to trick you into giving up your most sensitive information. MetroMail blocks these threats, leaving you with an inbox of only the email you want to see.